Morning Buzz

Every day was a highlight

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Jan Griffin

CAMEL-OT Jan Griffin and her camel have a photographic moment before they ride through an unexpected hail storm in the Sahara Desert.

Judith Brokaw and Jan Griffin did not expect to be in a hail storm in the Sahara Desert. Although they were wrapped in head scarves as protection from the sand, their cameliers held camel blankets over them to shield them from the  storm. Their tour of 9th-century Medina in Fes was a maze of streets about 6 feet wide and wall-to-wall people. Every once in a while, the crowd would shout “barak” to let you know if a burro with supplies or another surprise was coming up. Heads up that, if you go, the most unusual shops sold camel meat with camel heads hanging out front to advertise. While they can’t decide if the hamam, the Turkish bath, was pain or pleasure, they both agreed Morocco was magical.

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